Disrupt The Drift with Baron Baptiste

Governor Gavin Newsom's Wife Killed Her Sister, Is there Redemption for Her & For Us?

• Baron Baptiste • Season 2 • Episode 57

🎯 Explore the aftermath of a tragic accident and its ripple effects on personal growth. 🌊 Join the conversation on the path to redemption and self-discovery. 🌈

Start or continue your daily meditation practice with this Meditation on Vision led by Baron Baptiste. CLICK HERE. (www.baronbaptiste.com or www.baptisteyoga.com)

Live your full potential in all areas of your life! Join me on Momentum Nation (https://www.momentumbaronbaptiste.com)

Is there a question or topic you’d like me to address on the podcast? Send me an email at disruptingthedrift@baronbaptiste.com. I’ll take your suggestions and questions into consideration when planning upcoming episodes!